Benvidos/as á plataforma de teleformación do Grupo de Investigación GI - 1716 Proxectos e Planificación (PROePLA)
Bienvenidos/as a la plataforma de teleformación del Grupo de Investigación GI - 1716 Proyectos y Planificación (PROePLA)
Welcome to the e-learning platform of the Research Group GI - 1716 Projects and Planning (PROePLA)
Cursos dispoñíbeis

The course that is presented seeks to train students in a deep way in all those issues that may affect Food Safety in a dairy plant: study of all the dangers associated with production and processing, especially those related to hygiene of personnel and facilities, as well as learning to implement, monitor and assess the implementation of the Hazard Analysis System and Critical Control Points (HACCP).
Students will know all the risks of a microbiological, bacteriological and chemical nature that can alter the quality and food safety of dairy products. They will be able to assess the origin of these problems and assess what decisions need to be made.
The main objective of the course is to introduce students to the different applications of membrane filtration technology in the food industry, especially in the dairy sector. They will learn how they can save on manufacturing costs and how new products can be developed by using these applications.
To achieve this objective, the theoretical bases of the different technologies, the equipment involved and the current applications of cross-flow filtration will be explained.